Ages 17-25
Process characterizes In the Forming the groups we started counting off 1 thought 4. After we counted off we was directed to team up with our numbers. We formed our groups receiving our topic “Males and Females young adults leaving residential drug treatment”. I would say personal relations was characterized by dependence of what we already knew and if we had any experiences working with this group type before. This would be the first point in finding the member data information. Coming up with a clear concepts doing the initial stage of a group is orientation and exploration (Corey, G. & Corey, C. 2014). My group members rely on safe patterned behaviors and looked to find the group leader who had the most experiences for guidance and direction. After having a clear understanding of each question we all gave constructive feedback to make …show more content…
Mr. Jones role was making sure we had the facts correctly since he had the most experience in this field. After a couple of minutes it was clear who would speaker first she had the most energy, which we all agreed that it would be Ms. Kayla she would open the floor speaking on the members data information and the theory. Jasmine spoke up and stated that she wanted to speak on group structure, format, goals and outcome she made it clear that she would not be left out and she stated that she was excited and loved our group. It was agreed upon by the group that I would summaries the goals and outcome expected after the session and also answer the questions that was expressed upon us, since I was a people person and funny. In facilitating a group, we use a variety of techniques drawn from many theoretical models (Corey, G. & Corey, C. 2014). Our goal was to encourage the class to engage in conversation and ask