In a very basic model of communication, a message has to pass from the receiver to the recipient through a channel such as air.
Language barrier- we live in a multicultural society. There are different ethnic groups people speak a wide range of languages. English may be a second language for some people and may not be spoken or understood at all by others. If health and social care settings only produce and display information in English and care workers only speak English, some people will find it very difficult to find and use the care services they need. Also people from different backgrounds might not understand the slang that we use this then for leads to messages being misunderstood.
Not speaking clearly-
Speaking and listening is one of the factors that allow the communication cycle to work effectively. Interrupting people who are speaking – or not listening to what they are saying – disrupts the sending and receiving process of the communication cycle.
Bruce Tuckman- group …show more content…
When people first meet in a group they often go through a process of group formation. Many groups may experience some sort of struggle before people unite and communicate effectively. One of the best known theorists to explain group formation stages is Tuckman. Tuckman suggested that most groups go through a process involving four stages.
These are
1. Forming involves group members coming together and asking basic questions about the purpose and aims of the group, each member’s role within it and commitment to it. In this first stage of group development, members tend to feel quite anxious, often prioritise their own interests and may feel ‘disorientated’ in their interactions with others. A leader usually emerges in this early stage.
2. Storming, the second stage, is a period of conflict within the group. Members may argue over the purpose of the group, may contest its aims and sometimes resist the authority and role of the leader. In this stage, power and control are the main issues. Eventually, the purpose of the group and the roles within it become clearer as power and control battles are won and lost. Without tolerance and patience at this stage, the team will fail. Co-operation between members should begin to develop towards the end of this