The purpose of this essay is to further my knowledge of the Army NCO support channel, chain of command and why we as Soldiers use them. It is also to inform the parties that may be what I feel loyalty, dedicated service and also my interpretation of Military bearing and Discipline. I am explaining the importance of obeying a lawful order from an NCO and performing that order in a timely manner. The NCO support channel is designed to be subordinate to and supportive of the chain of command. The NCO support channel is not an independent channel. It is mandatory of the users of this channel to ensure that the chain of command is kept informed of actions implemented through the NCO support channel and to eliminate the possibility of the NCO support channel operating outside of command policy and directives. The NCO support channel is used for executing the commander’s orders and getting routine, but important, jobs done. It is used however most often to effect policies and procedures and to enforce standards of performance, training, appearance and conduct. Although the first sergeant and command sergeant major are not part of the formal chain of command, leaders should consult them on individual soldier matters. There are many area that the NCO Support Channel does to assist the chain of command. The NCO support channel ensures junior enlisted maintain a professional ethic. They plan and conduct day to day operations, train soldiers in the MOS and help them build a better knowledge of soldiering. Since physical fitness is a major part of the Armed Forces they must also make sure there fellow and subordinate Soldiers maintain Army height and weight standards and make sure they maintain a good military appearance. They do this by supervising a good training program. The NCO support channel is supposed to teach Soldiers Army history, military customs, courtisies and military tradition. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of
The purpose of this essay is to further my knowledge of the Army NCO support channel, chain of command and why we as Soldiers use them. It is also to inform the parties that may be what I feel loyalty, dedicated service and also my interpretation of Military bearing and Discipline. I am explaining the importance of obeying a lawful order from an NCO and performing that order in a timely manner. The NCO support channel is designed to be subordinate to and supportive of the chain of command. The NCO support channel is not an independent channel. It is mandatory of the users of this channel to ensure that the chain of command is kept informed of actions implemented through the NCO support channel and to eliminate the possibility of the NCO support channel operating outside of command policy and directives. The NCO support channel is used for executing the commander’s orders and getting routine, but important, jobs done. It is used however most often to effect policies and procedures and to enforce standards of performance, training, appearance and conduct. Although the first sergeant and command sergeant major are not part of the formal chain of command, leaders should consult them on individual soldier matters. There are many area that the NCO Support Channel does to assist the chain of command. The NCO support channel ensures junior enlisted maintain a professional ethic. They plan and conduct day to day operations, train soldiers in the MOS and help them build a better knowledge of soldiering. Since physical fitness is a major part of the Armed Forces they must also make sure there fellow and subordinate Soldiers maintain Army height and weight standards and make sure they maintain a good military appearance. They do this by supervising a good training program. The NCO support channel is supposed to teach Soldiers Army history, military customs, courtisies and military tradition. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of