By Ralph Öllinger
Cie Circoncentrique
La Cie Circoncentrique is a circus company.
We like to think that the body is the playground of the possibilities…
Circus skills, comedy, dance, play, and ... our energies take us in unlikely imaginary and research revolve round…
What counts for us is the expression of the body, the technical prowess, perpetual surprise and rhythm. . . , Punctuated by bursts of laughter…
Artists: Maxime Pythoud and Alessandro Maida
Because of time issues I choose to analyse just the first 10 minutes of Respire. My focus is on the artwork itself and the perception of the observer.
Let’s start with the beginning.. there is almost no light on stage, two people in muted coloured clothes enter the stage. In a minimalistic way the create a moment were the audience can feel, grip or get them from the ground, their steps, their breathing. And like the audience is watching the show, they are watching the stage, the audience and them self. In this first 2:30 minutes they find a way to come so close to the audience because they are using symbols everybody knows. Going together in the same rhythm and breaking out of it and find a way together again. Finding a common breathing while weight shifting (symbols of taking and giving), is the best basis to do what Tolstoy understood under art.
``Tolstoy was convinced that the main task of an artist consists in an audience over express and transmits emotions. In itself cause the once perceived feeling and after having caused it to be this feeling, as reproduced by movements, lines, colors, sounds, images that are expressed by words that others feel the same feeling - it is the activity of art.``
Two different people which are looking for a way together, a common rhythm. It seems to be symbol for all kind of relationships. And like in live they have different ways to express them self. Maxime, in his character more the silly lover, which seems to be more
Links: to the performance: