“Let that girl alone!” was all the effort a bystander, witnessing an attack, could put into saving a woman’s life; the man couldn’t be bothered with anything more. Miss Kitty Genovese could have survived that night two separate times if someone would have simply lifted the telephone to call the police and report seeing her attacked. At the time of her death 37 people had witnessed her trying to frantically escape from her assailant. There were no qualms when the witnesses were questioned as to why they didn’t bother helping a woman that they could hear pleading for her life; all with meaningless replies of inconvenience. It is widely accepted that watching someone being attacked and murdered would be a traumatic event to witnesses; but the bystander …show more content…
The Bystander Effect is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when someone is less likely to help a victim when other people are around; the more people present, the less likely they are to help. The issue lies in the moral dilemma of whether someone should intervene or not.
In an apparently unpopular opinion, compared to those 37 witnesses, intervention of saving someone's life is second nature. The 37 witnesses who succumbed to the Bystander Effect are disgraceful and remorseless. The lack of value in a human’s suffering and death could be attributed to a few factors; from desensitization from over exposure or denial of the severity of the situation, all of which I have no moral comprehension of. I’ve been situations, not of murders but attacks, where all sense of self-preservation left my mind. In