As a human, how can you be so depraved as to just pass someone in need? It is done every single day. You may say that it is none of your business …show more content…
Conformity in the sense that we are cowards, we do not want to be the outcast and be labeled “weird” so we will let people be endangered because we don't want to break the “norm” of society and maybe even take a picture of them and walk away to our normal everyday lives. In this case, “The Killing of Kitty Genovese” by Michael Dorman unfortunately can relate; a young woman was stabbed repeatedly as 38 bystanders witnessed the incident and did nothing, it took an hour for someone to call. Kitty bled out in the meantime as everyone stared and the poor woman screeched for help.
The bystander effect is a real thing and it takes a toll on people everyday, everywhere, all around the world.
Moreover, you might get hurt while trying to help another in need, you never know what will happen, you might be scared, or just too busy to help. You can call, but what if you do not have a phone? Well have the nearest place around you call for help. If there are no places around you then I assume you can either help or not. However statistics say that you are more likely to help if less people are around so therefore, you will probably help so if you look at all the options there is no right minded scenario to not