I agree with Amanda’s central idea of America being created based on the lines of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Also the main goal of many immigrants to the country was to have a better life than in their past country. Amanda poses a strong argument of the American Dream, where “If every man is considered “equal” why does racism still exist?” While punk didn’t answer the question, it gave light to a new way of thinking and acting. Punk rockers were considered to be different and unique because they didn’t follow the social norms. Amanda’s idea of “Punks reject[ing] the American Dream and saw it as disenchantment,” is quite accurate because punk didn’t follow the “safe” footsteps, and the stepping stones we are suppose to take. Rather punk rejected society and acted on their own.
Also, Amanda’s differentiation of British punk and American punk was explained to be “their backgrounds and educations.” This statement is quite correct because the British punk rockers were mostly dropouts and had little to no education. While on the other hand, American punk rockers were mostly middle class with education. Also, along with the premise of the American Dream and punk rock, Amanda questions “would they have really been successful if they were not happy?” The truth is the America Dream explains, “Determination alone leads to success.” But punk rock rejects the norm and explains that you aren’t successful if you aren’t happy and because of that they speak the truth rather than the norm.
I agree that punk rock is an “escape from what is considered normal” and because of that it will continue to be popular and grow in our society. Punk rock has come a long way and is not going anywhere anytime soon. I agree with Amanda explaining that punk rock has created a more accepting society than pre-punk rock. Unfortunately, at the start of punk rock it had a negative notion and was