She describes the house as; “A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say a haunted house,” (Pg. 307); in the exposition. After hearing her talk about the home that they were in my initial impression of the story is that it would be in the horror genre. I believe that this is a very common beginning to many of those types of stories. There is a woman who is very uneasy about her home, and her husband tells her that there is nothing off about the home. I did not find it odd and …show more content…
For the climax of the story, she believes that the woman in the wall is real, and she has a rope to tie her up if she tries to escape from the wall. She even locks her room and throws the key out of the window. She then proceeds to tear off all the wallpaper in the room she can, she even got so angry that she bit off a small piece of the bed frame. She walked around the room and describes it in the most peculiar way, “here I can creep smoothly on the floor, and my shoulder just fits in that long smooch around the wall, so I cannot lose my way”. It was at this point in the story that I realized that she had lost it. In the falling action, John came home. He wanted to get in so badly that he was about to hit the door with an ax!
To conclude the story John finally gets into the room and faints. His wife is not worried about that, but instead she is worried that she has to walk over him as she moves about the walls of the room; I cannot understand how confusing it would be to see someone you love in that state, but she did not care about him anymore, and only about the yellow