The spirit of the restoration period was different from the Elizabethan the year 1660 Elizabethan romanticism had but spent it-self of the great figure of the earlier era only one survived, John Milton was of the part.At the restoration he retired and worked his great poem reveals no sign of the time in which his later years were spent
In restoration period the break with the past is almost absolute.Subject and style look on a new spirit and outlook different attitude and aim .Hence, the post-restoration period was an antithesis of the Elizabethan age The Elizabethan age marked with the new spirit of patriotism and creative vigor,was replaced by the new spirit of realism .The puritan spirit its moral earnestness and individualism was all driven out.The spirit of gaiety and moral turpitude filled in the void.
Imitation of the ancients: lacking the genius and creative vigor of the Elizabethans the author of the time turned to the great-classic writers,in particular to the Latin writers instruction and inspiration the habit ,perceptible Dryden's time,deepened and hardened during pope's era.
Imitation of the french :
The literature and literature tendencies of the restoration period were deeply influenced by the French models.since shakespeare and other Elizabethan held no interest for the authors of the age began to imitate the french master with whose works they had just grown far .Here begins the So-called period of French influence which wrought a profound influence on english literature for the next century instead of italian inflence which had been more pronounced during the Elizabethan age .The Famous french writers such as pascal,Bossuet,Malherbe,corneille,Racine,Moliere deeply influenced the restoraion writers.In particular ,the french influence penetrated deeply into Drama,especially comedy which was the most copious literary prodution of the restoration age.Of french comedy Moliere was the