Mobile Computing and Web technologies organized by Andhra Mahila Sabha School of
Informatics, Hyderabad.
Special Lectures on Telecom Systems, Wireless Technologies, Software Project
Management and Embedded Systems for Diploma in Advanced Computing (DAC),
Diploma in VLSI and Diploma in Embedded Systems Design students of CDAC,
Hyderabad during the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, 2004 and 2005.
Member of the committee formed by CDAC, Hyderabad to design Diploma in Embedded
Systems Design, during May – September 2001.
Conducted orientation program on Wireless Technologies and Software Engineering at
Advanced Learning Centre of Portal Player Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad on 16th July 2001 and
23rd August 2001.
Designed the Theory course for Data Communications and Networking Module for the
Diploma in Advanced Computing course of Centre for Development of Advanced
Computing, in November 2000.
Designed the training program on Telecom Software for Frontier Information
Technologies Ltd., Hyderabad.
Designed the training program on Telecom and Embedded Systems for Nalanda
Telematics and Informatics Limited, Hyderabad.
Conducted corporate training on Problem Solving in the UNIX environment for Avantel
Softech Ltd., Hyderabad during 9-13 October 2000.
Conducted corporate training on Wireless Application Protocol: Content development and protocol architecture for Avantel Softech Ltd., Hyderabad during 3-6 October 2000.
Conducted orientation program on Wireless Technologies for employees of Portal Player
Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad on 15th and 18th September 2000.
Conducted orientation program on Software Engineering for employees of Portal Player
Pvt. Ltd., Hyderbad during 6-7 September 2000.
Conducted corporate training on Wireless Application Protocol to Quantum Softech
Limited, Hyderabad during