Marketing is absolutely critical to being internally successful, "Says Stephen Norman, COO of Merrill Lynch’s technology group."We live in a world where by and large our customers don’t understand what we do. So we need to market internally
to have a shot at building partnerships and avoiding surprises." Internal marketing is an essential marketing approach. It builds communication, promotes teamwork, and better prepares faculty members for change. The goal of IM is to motivate and gain commitment from all staff members and develop shared school goals. IM done well reinforces excellence in all activities, events, and school functions creating exceptional customer satisfaction. (Xxxxxxxx) In addition, we will develop an internal branding strategy to align all activities and processes. This will help RLS staff understand and integrate brand value(s) in their ministry to make certain they focus efforts on the delivery the brand promise. Internal marketing and branding, recognize faculty members ARE the key to the brand. Team chemistry in the workplace can make a tremendous difference. A happy and cooperative work environment can change the way we serve and minister to families. Before RLS launches any plans, we will look to build support from faculty first. In this way we will create interest and the desire for success.