Leadership, Ethics and Policy Class
Grand Canyon Univsersity
The two case studies of RetailMax provided a very thought provoking situation that is very relatable to the everyday business world for leaders. The case studies displayed the decision, emotion and struggle that Kessel had to face while determining what he could offer to Archer for her to join his team. Mangini had the monetary benefit, but was not able to offer personal satisfaction that Archer had established for herself. Potential power is something that both Mangini and Kessel had in this situation. Each had different aspects of potential power, but both used it to his advantage whether positive or negative. Mangini has some potential power as he is able to entice Archer with a monetary compensation. Mangini can offer more money with bonus potential on job performance. Kessel has more potential power because he is able to tap in to Archer’s personal career goals, room for promotion, ability to travel less and have a social life, as well as advance her long term career through his marketing ambitions. Each person has different power bases that were displayed in the case scenario. Mangini displayed reward power, through monetary compensation Kessel showed reward power through the personal gain of career goals, less travel time and leadership experience. Kessel also demonstrated referent power, because Archer looks up to Kessel and stated she had a lot to learn from him in the marketing arena. Archer looked to Kessel as a mentor. Archer demonstrated legitimate power if she took the position in marketing as she would have direct subordinates and could use her MBA to the fullest. Stereotypical gender roles did play a minor supporting role in the case study. Mangini assumed that Archer would take the job being a stereotypical female who would want more financial compensation rather than personal reward. This was stereotypical of Mangini
References: RetailMax: Role for Cam Archer" by McGinn and Witter, from Harvard Business School (2006). RetailMax: Role for Regan Kessel by McGinn and Witter, from Harvard Business School (2006).