Reuben Singleton
ECPI University
Table of Contents
Abstract………………………………………………………………………. 3
Introduction…………………………………………………………………... 4
Methodology…………………………………………………………………. 6
The Gene Study……………………………………………………………….7
The Bond Study…….………………………………………………………. ..10
The Twins Study……………………………………………………………...12
The genetic influences on infidelity are unclear in humans. This study unearths the question of whether infidelity is linked to genetics. The methodology used consist of creditable news sources such as CNN, ABC and MSNBC, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States, Public Library …show more content…
According to Webster’s Dictionary, “infidelity is the unfaithfulness to the marriage vow or contract; and also a violation of the marriage covenant by adultery.” When I look back on my father in those days, I could tell he loved my mother and although they are divorced, I can tell he still does to this day. However, it seemed that he had a very difficult time remaining faithful to my mother during their time together as husband and wife. He would later tell me that one day I’ll find out that’s what is inside of him is inside of me. I never really understood what he meant by that statement. However, as I matured a lot of secrets “came to light” about the men in my family. Dating back to my great-grand father, the men on my father’s side of the family all seem to have dealt with infidelity problems within their marriages. After speaking with my father, as an adult, about this particular subject, he would go on to tell me that this was what he was taught through experiencing it firsthand. He began explaining to me times his father told him to “keep his mouth shut and don’t tell mommy” whenever he began to ask questions about the women he saw kissing his father. This provoked me to contemplate the idea of infidelity and genetics. Genetics, or a genetic disorder, or is a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically …show more content…
Thomas' Hospital in London, which included 1600 unselected United Kingdom female twin pairs who confidentially reported previous episodes of infidelity and total lifetime number of sexual partners, as well as attitudes towards infidelity findings demonstrate that infidelity and number of sexual partners are both under moderate genetic influence (41% and 38% heritable, respectively) and the genetic correlation between these two traits is strong (47%). The study indentified three chromosomes that are associated with influencing infidelity 3, 7 and 20. "We found that around 40 percent of the influence on the number of sexual partners and infidelity were due to genetic factors," says Professor Tim Spector in news conference in