1) The interval level of measurement used in this demograpic are age, income ($), length of labor (hrs), return to work (wks), number of hours working per week.
2) The type of statistics used to describe the length of labor in this study descriptive, this being represented by mean and standard deviation in the data. Yes,these are appropriate as they both can be calculated (varible n=30 and mean=14.63) at the interval level of measurements.
3) Nominal level data could be used to describe the length of labor. This would have done by using frequencies, percentages, and mode instead of using mean, range, and standard deviation
4) No, the distributions of scores were not similar for the two groups. Experimental group has slightly higher dispersion (n=30 and SD= 7.78) than control group (N=33 and SD=7.2). Standard deviation decreases with larger sample sizes.
5) Yes, Bottle-feeding was the mode for the experimental (53.1%) and the control (50%) groups since it was the most frequent type of feeding used by both groups.
6) The marital status mode for the experimental group was married as its frequency was 25 (78.1%). The control group was married with frequency of 31 (86.1%).
7)Yes, a median be determined for the education data. Median for education for the experimental group is 34.4. Median for education for the control groups is 36.2.
8) No, the findings from this study cannot be generalized to Black women. The percentage of whites were higher in both experimental and control groups were higher which is 92% in experimental and 96.55% in control groups while the in the experimental group there were only 4% of black and in control group there were none.
9) Based on the “Note” at the bottom of Table 1, Numbers do not always total 32 for the experimental group or 36 for control group because of missing data.
10) The sample for this study is being adequately described. Because in this study the researchers presented