Opgave A
1. The manager whose (which) daughter had just been employed by the company was suddenly fired.
Da det er ejefald benyttes whose altid, bade om personer og ikke personer.
2. Apparently there was no reason for that he was fired.
Slettet for da det ikke giver mening I sætningen.
3. The newspaper ran the latest news and sports stories’ from around the world.
Stories skal ikke være i genetiv da de ikke ejer noget, skal bare være flertal.
4. The boy kept both the hands in his pockets.
Der er ingen grund til at gentage the.
5. The robber also had gunned down two innocent people (persons) while escaping from the scene of the crime.
Skal bruge people istedet, da det er en mere general beskrivelse.
Opgave B
1. “ In my two-room apartment on West 109th Street, I heard the ceiling creak as my upstairs neighbor paced his floor, I listened to the howling battles of the couple that lived below me, their raging voices punctuated by thuds, bangs, and the sound of breaking glass. [...] Lying in my bed at night, I sometimes watched the two young men who lived across the air shaft as they lounged in the light of their window dressed only in their underwear. [...] It is simply one of many ongoing dramas among strangers in the city, who often have little in common except that they all belong to this place.”
Forklar brugen af “that” og “who” og tag stilling til, om ”that” kan anvendes i de to sidste eksempler i ovenstående tekststykke.
”That” og ”who” er henførende stedord, som fører tilbage til noget tidligere nævnt i deres sætninger. Jeg vil mene at man kan benytte that i det sidste eksempler, da ordet har samme funktion som who, og kan lede tilbage til dramas og strangers.
2. And acting, as everyone in the city knows, can be dangerous.
Forklar hvorfor "knows" står i 3. person ental.
Fordi everyone ikke er tælleligt og derfor er det ental, 3dje person da det er en ”det”.
3. It didn’t take long for me to