Opening with brilliant, entrancing imagery that describes the distinctions of fall, Updike uses a comparison of red apples caught like red fish, revealing a sense of entrapment felt by the reader. This contrast also shows how he sees that the apple’s fate is dependent of the branch, parallel to the fishes fate and perhaps his own. The rich imagery he employs during the first stanza gives the reader a sense that Updike is surrounded by a peaceful utopia. By using the Bible, a well-known, strong foundation, and comparing it to a large cloud of insignificant dots, he shows the reader once again how much loneliness he feels even if he is immersed in a beautiful utopia. The dots represent his own insignificance and the Bible shows everything greater than him. Just as well, he uses the undulating paper underneath him to show how the world around him is constantly adapting and changing; not waiting for his thoughts or emotions to catch up.…