1. What is ethics, and how can it be distinguished from morality?
Morality can be defined as a system of rules for guiding human conduct and principles for evaluating those rules and ethics is "the good life", the life worth living or that is simply satisfying, which is held by many philosophers to be more important than moral conduct.
2. What is meant by a moral system? What are some of the key differences between the "rules of conduct" and the "principles of evaluation" that compromise a moral system?
Moral systems can be structured in many ways frequently by setting entire systems against each other, as with Christian morality because it prevents us from evil.
3. What does Bernard Gert mean when he describes morality in terms of a "public system"? Why is the notion of "personal morality" an oxymoron?
Based on Bernard Gert everyone can define the rules because it is public.
4. Why does Gert believe that morality is an "informal" system? How is a moral system both similar to, and different from, a game?
We all known that a game there are rules and regulations and there’s a people organizing it while in morality there’s no people who judging over it.
5. Describe how the ideals of "rationality" and "impartiality" function in Gert's moral system.
A moral system is rational because it is based on principles of logical reason accessible to ordinary persons.
6. What are the values and what are some of the key differences between moral values and nonmoral values?
Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individual’s behavior and choices. Be non-moral values that are at least sometimes capable of outweighing or overriding moral values.
7. How do religion, law, and philosophy each provide different grounds for justifying a moral principle?
Religion can justify moral principle based on the bible and the myths while in law it is the rules that govern by the people and the philosophy is how they understand it and