Review of 5 Research-base Article of Motivation in The Workplace
Faculty of Razak School of Engineering and Advance Technology University Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Motivation Abstract
This paper is to fulfill the Post Module Assignment of Organizational Behavior and Development in motivation study lectured by Associate Professor Dr. Nik Hasna. This is the review study of 5 various research article done by various scholar and individual related to motivation. This review is to understand the variety method of various company used to motivate their employee with comparison to my local workplace environment.
Motivation is refer to an enthusiasm of interest of doing something with goal oriented achievement. Basically, motivation can be describe in two types, Internal and external as the Cognitive Evaluation Theory tells. Internal or intrinsic motivation is a motivation that is driven by the interest and enjoyment of the task itself that exist from within the individual and not relying from the external source. This is subjective to individual depending on what make him/her enjoy with the task. External motivation or extrinsic motivation is an outsource form of interest to make ones self perform the task. Extrinsic are typically refer to reward or tangible benefit. This could drive a person to perform a task with the interest of the reward.
Motivation has become a famous topic that people always talk about through years. Many scholar and researcher has come with their own points and opinions on what they found about motivation. Many believes that intrinsic motivation is the way to achieve in driving a successful company but others found that extrinsic motivation such as rewards and benefits are the best way to generate motivation. This has been proven by Taylor’s theory of motivation where workers are mainly focus on pay.