Article Analysis, Connection, and Reflection
Due: 11:55pm ET Sunday at the end of Week 6 of the 8-week course term
You may work on this assignment ahead of its deadline but may not submit it prior to Week 6.
Points Possible: 140
OVERVIEW: For Part I of this two-part assignment you identified and summarized elements of a published scholarly article selected from the classroom Resources Folder. For Part 2, which is due by the end of Week 6, you will analyze, connect, and reflect on aspects of your selected article. Note that the words “succinct” and “thorough” repeat regularly in the instructions below. They will serve as reminders that this is a formal assignment and sentence fragments, bulleted lists, conversational or other types of casual language cannot be used.
In completing Part 2 you will:
--Describe a research method alternative to the one used by your selected article’s author(s) to study the same phenomena
-- Evaluate the potential impact on the “real world” of your selected article’s research;
-- Apply three concepts from required textbook readings;
-- Identify an aspect of the article’s topic focus about which you would like to know more
In composing your work use complete and clearly articulated sentences in one or more paragraphs, as assigned below, a minimum of 250 words each and citing sources in the body of your writing and in a References list attached to the end of it. Proofread your work carefully as proper spelling, grammar and writing structure are required. All answers must be your original words or paraphrases of material in your selected article or the course textbook. No other sources may be used. Copying from published material is a violation of the University policy on academic integrity and will void all points for this assignment with no option for revision and submission.
**You may work on this assignment ahead of its deadline but may not submit it prior
Citations: – 10 points possible (Nothing to type here. This is an alert to go back and proofread your writing and make any needed corrections before submitting this assignment to avoid the loss of these 10 important points. Tip: Look for basic grammar errors [ex: using “their” when you are talking about one person), misspellings and typos, correctly spelled but incorrectly used words that SpellCheck won’t catch, sentence fragments that don’t state complete thoughts, run-on sentences that should be split into smaller ones or sentences that read awkwardly or don’t make sense when you read them aloud, etc.). ================================================================================== After you have completed your work, save and attach this document, with your name as part of the document file name, to the Journal Article Review Assignment Part 2 Assignment page.