2.1 Introduction
Once the research problem is identified and its delimitation made, review of literature is carried out. Sometimes literature review helps in problem identification. Review of literature means a review or study of literature relevant to the study taken up by the researcher.
Best (1978) defines review of literature as “a brief summary of previous research and the writings of recognized experts provides the evidence that the researcher is familiar with what is already known, and what is still unknown and untested. Since effective research must be based upon past knowledge, this step helps to eliminate the duplication of what has been done, and provide useful hypothesis and helpful suggestion for significant investigation.”
2.2 Objectives of Literature * Review of research report is done to know what research works have already been done on this and related topics or fields, the methodology adopted by them, the hypotheses formulated and tested by them, the findings and the conclusions, the listed scope for further research, and so on. * Similarly review of research papers is intended to know from the papers the thrust issues, the hypothesis, the tool for data collection, the methodology, the findings and the implications of them for the research for his current work.
* Review of literature helps understanding the present research in a better way.
In fact, review of literature beginning with a research for a suitable topic for research and continues until final stages of the current research work.
2.3 Purpose of Review of Literature The following are the purposes of review of literature. * To avoid duplication of research work, in case an almost similar work as the present one has already been done by someone. * To adopt an alternative method of study, in case an almost similar work as already done has to be far some reason carried out. * To fill up gaps in