Moving on to the sonnets, Sonnet 116 was a classic example of a conventional true love sonnet written by Shakespeare in the 16th century time period. It is very traditional and emphasises how love doesn't change so therefore is "ever-fixed". Hence, the tone of the poet is very serious and matter of fact. The rhyme scheme is very similar to the majority of the other sonnets with a rhyme scheme of C,D,C,D,E,F,E,F,G,G. Sonnet 116 contains 3 quatrains and a use of iambic pentameter. Throughout the sonnet there is use of imagery, for example "It is the star" emphasising that love will guide you. Through the duration of the sonnet love being permanent is exaggerated greatly. Shakespeare emphases how true love always preserves, despite any obstacles that may arise, "Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks". Inferring from this we can tell he is trying to get across that even if the circumstance or person changes love never dies. Sonnet 116 uses repeated pairs of words, "love is not love", "alters when alteration finds" suggesting it is to be like "couples" and to also further emphasise the theme of love in the sonnet. He also uses metaphors such as "looks on tempest and is never shaken" and "is the star to every wand'ring bark" This is emphasising that love is an essential part of the world by using metaphors based on natural elements. This sonnet affects the reader as it is saying that if the love was true, whatever the circumstance it would not change and is everlasting. This sonnet very much linked in with Hero and Claudio's relationship. Their relationship is very traditional and conventional like the sonnet. Likewise it also shows that even through the dramatic wedding scenes and the accusations, Hero and Claudio still did eventually get married in the end. This emphasises how even throughout these circumstances their true love preserves as in the Sonnet 116 it says "Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks". In terms of the relationship of Benedick and…