1. Social and Religious Causes
A. Change in pattern of trade and commerce
During the first two hundred years of its rule , the British East India Company confined its activities to trade and commerce. But in the 18th century the pattern of trade underwent a drastic change. With the onset of the the industrial revolution in England, many new industries came up and the dependance on Indian textiles came to an end. India became a raw material producing country and raw material which was purchased from India at very low costs was processed into finished goods in the factories in England and then exported back to India. British traders made enormous profits in this two way trade.
B. Ruination of Artisans and Craftsmen
C. Disgruntled Zamindars and Taluqdars
The estates of many landlords were taken over by the East India Company when the native provinces came under the company's dominion. The estates of 21,000 Taluqdars were confiscated when Oudh was annexed. The dispossesed landlords found themselves without a source on income, ashamed to beg,unable to work and thus condemned to penury.
D. Disbanded soldiers were seething with anger and were determined to revenge.
E. Activities Of Missionaries
The Indians had a lurking suspicion in their minds that they would be