*Radio Frequency Identification
Attendance Monitoring System*
This system is an electronic device which is use in attendance management system by faculty members. It provides robust, secure and automatic attendance administration in faculties. Radio Frequency Identification Attendance Monitoring System has programmed RFID software specifically for optimizing attendance tracking. Thus, combined RFID hardware with this software, it automates the whole system of faculty attendance registration, collection and data information and this attendance system benefits the school in the following aspects: First, this RFID system can be applied for real time attendance recording of the faculty members. It can automatically collect and record all the basic attendance information including name, time of their both in and out ad ID number. Second, this faculty attendance system could be an access control system. Only the person who has the authorized key tag or RFID card can gain access into the place. Thus, by taking advantage of this RFID system, security of faculty room access control will no longer be a problem. Third, this system has the ability for data backup, recovery and tags replacement. A user-configurable timetable can be generated automatically by the software. In that timetable, entry times and exit times can be view and edit in the user interface, which gives high reliability with low maintenance cost. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is one of automation that is beneficial in improving current traditional way of monitoring the faculty members. As every tag has its own unique ID, it is easy to differentiate every tag holder.