Antagonism is the limit of an idea, a widely shared viewpoint, or ideology. This allows an opposing idea to be voiced. Cox uses this term to describe how new interests challenge the views of society. For example, environmentalist challenged the government because they believed they had the power to make the biggest change and influence everyone else. 3. trope of uncertainty (define, give example) …show more content…
When applying this to rhetoric, the trope of uncertainty alters the public’s understanding of what is at stake, suggesting there is a danger in acting prematurely, a risk of making the wrong decision. 4. Herndl & Brown’s three perspectives toward the environment (define, give example of each) 5. nature as artifice, cultural construction (define, give example)
Once we believe we know what nature ought to look like we can remake it so that it becomes different. An example would be a painting by a famous artist of nature; people look at it and see nature, they do not think about who the artist is. Once we know what nature looks like we remake it so completely that we become altogether indifferent or even hostile toward its prior condition. 6. precautionary principle (define, give example)
When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established