Specific Purpose: To get the audience to: protect themselves from the National Security Agency, keep their information safe.
Central Idea: To inform the audience about the National Security Agency, how they spy on us and what they do with our information.
If someone told you “You are being watched every time you use digital communications, “how would you feel? The majority of people would probably feel discomfort. Sadly, you are being watched by the National Security Agency or NSA. While they allegedly keep us safe, the NSA shouldn't continue to monitor everyone’s digital communications. It gets every tax paying citizens money involved. They violate an amendment of the constitution. Likewise, there is a major loss of privacy. They simply have access to too much information. (Pathos)
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Truman. Digital Communication is basically the electronic way to exchange information. So that means every phone or video call, every text or email you make, is being monitored by real people who work behind the scenes. Charles Arthur further emphasized that “Some of the biggest internet companies such as: Apple, google, Yahoo, YouTube, Microsoft and Skype are all involved. “Also according to Charles Arthur, “potentially all of our data is being monitored by the NSA.