Many recent gaffes have opened him up to endless mockery from Clinton supporters, who have graciously taken it upon themselves to point out Trump’s weaknesses to the public. These memes are clearly aimed at people who have not decided on who to vote for, trying to convince them why they should not vote for Trump for President. In one image in the bottom corner it says it was featured on the website:, which is a liberal media site that is focused on the election later this year. They were mostly like created by people who are in favor of Hillary Clinton, attempting to gain voters who were planning to vote for Trump or those who remain relatively undecided. These pictures are only a few of the hundreds that have flooded the web since he has announced that his campaign for presidency.
These images heavily rely on the fact that the election has not happened, and it uses this fear of the unknown to play on the …show more content…
viewer’s emotions; trying to persuade them of what could be if they don’t vote for the right candidate. One certain image in particular makes a very serious underlying assumption about Mexicans, by claiming that they are first and foremost criminals with the exception of a few good people that are scattered into the mix. This is plainly an obscene remark of racism and nothing else. Another image applies the ethos appeal by sarcastically stating that Trump knows exactly how corrupt the government is, because he silently funds them. It is worth considering how ethical his decisions would be if he was President, and whether or not the decisions he made as a businessman are in conjunction with his personal beliefs. A second image also uses the ethos appeal; this image states that the public does not believe that Obama (the qualifies candidate with experience) should pick the next Supreme Court Justice, however Trump (the celebrity) is qualified to choose. There is once again an underlying tone of sarcasm present in this meme and it is questioning whether or not our country is capable of comprehending the consequences that comes along with choosing an unqualified candidate. A final image shows a group of people running, and is captioned “January 2017: Millions of Americans cross the border illegally into Mexico to escape Donald Trump’s Presidency” this image is showing what they think the future is going to be like if he is elected into office. These egregious accusations could mean disastrous consequences for our nation if he is elected to the oval office.
Overall the images are successful in getting their message across to the viewer.
It is supposed to make you question the mindset behind the republican candidate and wonder if he is just as corrupt as the government we already have. His qualifications are questionable at best, and these memes are meant to make you think twice about voting for him and doubt his abilities as a leader. Although the election has not yet happened, these memes are trying to give you a foresight of what they believe is going to happen to our country if Trump is
All of these memes are trying to tell you why Trump is the person you don’t want to have lead your country, why he is the epitome of what is wrong with our country. He frequently comes off as callous and chauvinistic to people who do not blindly support him, and various political blunders have shown us exactly how xenophobic he can truly be. Allegations of him being a racist are very plausible when you consider his frequent intimidatory behaviors at press conferences. In their article “Trump Calls Obama the 'Founder of ISIS' Over Anti-Terror Strategy” Daniel Arkin and Erik Ortiz go into detail about of Mr. Trump’s recent remark in which he said that President Obama is funding Isis and that Hillary Clinton is their “most valuable player”. This clearly outlandish assertion is completely unacceptable for someone who is contending for the presidency and it is terrifying to know that there is a possibility of this only just being the beginning. A critic of the presidential candidate, Michael Hayden expresses his opinion of him by stating that “[h]e inflames the debate, and we don't need the flame, we need cold, rational discussion" (qtd, in Akrin). While neither of our presidential candidates are exceptional choices to be the next leader of our country, it is vital that we make the right decision for our nation and its future.