Donald Trump is definitely the face or the comedian of this up and coming election. Trump’s ideology are very conservative, meaning that Trump doesn’t want major changes or wants to stick with the old traditions. Donald feels very conservative about economic issues, domestic issues and individual rights. However, on the ideology scale Trump is Liberal on the topic of national defenses as is Hillary’s view on defense issues. On the ideology chart Hillary is moderately liberal meaning she does not want to stick to the traditions and feels change will be good for our nation. Clinton’s views on economic issues, domestic issues and individual rights are very liberal. So both candidates feel different ways on the …show more content…
The one idea they feel the same about are defense issues. In the end will Donalds time running multimillion dollar company and his conservative views help him become president. On the other side will Hillary Clinton’s time as a first lady, U.S senate and her liberal views and changing some things to make our country better make her a better fit candidate. However both candidates want the best for the country and will make the United States a thriving