At no other known point in history has the world changed or grown as fast as it did in the 20th century. As Myron Marty from Scholastic says, “The 20th century was a time of enormous changes in American life.” It is amazing to think our world went from mostly isolated farmers with no complex technology to an advanced interconnected world in just the span of 100 years. Of course this change could not happen without its catalysts. People like Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther King, and Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the world with their words alone. Each of these speakers, along with their contemporaries, used rhetoric to accomplish their goals and bring fourth both positive and …show more content…
Kennedy is known as a civil rights leader. It put rhetoric to great use, and it is a clear example of rhetoric that changed the world. The 1960s were a tumultuous time for all people, and almost everybody appreciates them because of the great strives Americans made in such a short time. Kennedy was one of those Americans, and in the great “Civil Rights Address” he used his charm, tone, ability to create a sense of unity, and overall stellar rhetoric to allow all Americans to feel just a little