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George Lakoff and Mark Johnsen (2003) Metaphors we live by. London: The university of Chicago press. ...................................................................................................................... 1 Noter om layout:................................................................................................................... 1 Innholdsfortegnelse i Word:................................................................................................. 1 Contents................................................................................................................................ 4 Acknowledgments................................................................................................................ 6 1. Concepts We Live By ..................................................................................................... 8 2. The Systematicity of Metaphorical Concepts ............................................................... 11 3. Metaphorical Systematicity: Highlighting and Hiding ................................................. 13 4. Orientational Metaphors ................................................................................................. 16 5. Metaphor and Cultural Coherence ................................................................................. 21 6 Ontological Metaphors ................................................................................................... 23 7. Personification................................................................................................................ 28 8. Metonymy....................................................................................................................... 29 9. Challenges to Metaphorical Coherence
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