学生学号 100214207
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英文题目 On the Theory of Communicative action through the translation of metaphor 中文题目 论通过对暗语的翻译来实现沟通行为 院 系 外国语学院 专 业 英语(翻译) 学生姓名 邓永胜 学 号 100214207 任课教师 徐向晖
2013 年 1 月 9 日
In general, since mankind started translation activities, the study of translation has never ceased. Discussions about translation have become so frequent that various translation theories have been formed gradually in Chinese. In this paper, Habermas’s theory of communicative action reinterpreting the concept of the understanding of translation studies, and Translation to indicate this special form of cross-cultural communication in how to effectively interpret metaphor.
Keywords: theory of communicative action; metaphor comprehension; translation
1. Introduction
Translation is a metaphor of language as the carrier of the cross-cultural communication activities, but also a language that will carry the message to another language to the inter subjectivity of communicative action. Inter subjectivity of communicative action for the research, after Germany modern philosopher Habermas 's "theory of communicative action" (Theory of Communication Action) opened the door for people new window. The theory is swelling in different philosophical ideas and views to choose based on the creation of a complex, multifaceted "rational alliance system", it "understood" as the core language, based on critical theory of the financial community, general pragmatics, social evolution theory as a unified framework.
2. Under the theory of communicative action the concept of translation studies to understand
2.1 Translation studies in the new way - AC Zhu act theory. Translation Studies from the traditional structural linguistics semantic stage to stage, the
Links: to Research (1) He is the only foxes. English fox, fox and Chinese refer to the same animal, when it was used as that person when they contain "cunning" in Italy, even listen to the reader and writer, said in a different language systems and cultural background, it can effectively understand the implementation of the partial speech act: be careful of this man, he is cunning. Another example: (2) think tank think tank "Think tank" in the Chinese culture does not exist in, but the "library" in Chinese culture, store things in the middle, so even though the people in Chinese culture has not been recognized with the "library" to describe the characteristics of "thought "The collection, but this" library "of knowledge to guide on English culture" think tank ', the identity, so "library" This Vehicle can save down. After all, this cross-cultural communication, we can not underestimate the listen to the reader 's understanding, not to deprive them of their understanding of rights. In the translation process, in order to achieve the purpose of cross-cultural communication, and sometimes need to work to preserve the source language metaphor, that metaphor at the same time preserve the source language to make the appropriate explanation. Such as: (3) What will it be when the increase of yearly production is brought to a complete stop? Here is the vulnerable place, the heel of Achilles, for capitalistic production. (Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844) If the complete cessation of growth in annual production, what the situation is going to do? Like Achilles heel, as this will be the Achilles heel of capitalist production. (