The information below is in accordance with CABE principles (Creating Excellent Buildings: A guide for clients, 2003, CABE and Being involved in School Design, 2004, CABE)) and the RIBA Plan of Work.
The choice of procurement route has a fundamental influence on how different Work Stages proceed. This is summarised in outline as far as possible but the exact way in which different Stages are conducted within the overall project programme needs careful consideration at the outset. It is worth noting that the RIBA Plan of Work was originally developed to reflect the needs of Traditional contract forms. The subsequent development of alternative contract forms such as PFI, BSF and partnered contracts means that RIBA Stages don’t necessarily fit precisely with discrete stages in these alternative contract forms. The Achieving Excellence in Construction Procurement guide 11 Sustainability identifies the intervention points for larger programmes such as BSF including PFI. See
Any project needs a vision and key performance indicators to be identified up front. They should be assessed at each stage to monitor achievement and check that they are still appropriate. For a project that wants to integrate sustainability in all aspects of a project this is even more important, as for many clients it will involve some changes to conventional methods and new ways of working need strong management support if they are to be successfully implemented. KPIs should be identified in the early project stages for the whole of the Prepare, Design, Construct and Use cycle.
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