Ricardo often participates in positive interactions with peers, teachers, and adult workers within the classroom and outdoor settings. In terms of his relationships with peers, Ricardo engages in play with a variety of children, including JoJo, Ezequiel, Tom, and Mara, thus indicating he is currently incorporating his understanding of friendship by playing alongside with other children (SED 4). To enter these play scenarios, Ricardo often locates himself near the play areas, observes participating children, and initiates interaction by mimicking other children’s actions and picking up the materials or toys being used (COG 2). The types of play Ricardo regularly involves in both indoor and outdoor activity are solitary, …show more content…
parallel, and associative play. He plays alongside other children in different play areas within the classroom and playing with others and interacting with other during play. When his parallel play and associative play are not effective, he sometimes asks for a teacher’s assistance in entering such play. Once Ricardo is involved with peers, he sometimes asks for a teacher’s assistance in helping him due to his minimum amount of language to problem solve with his peers, cooperatively play with a variety of children (SED 4), and initiating interactions with peers that last for extended periods of time (ATL REG 1), share space and materials or toys without prompting.
In terms of preference, he seems more engaged during outside play with other peers that are non-teacher directed such as playing monster with Tom and Mara. In terms of self help skills, he sometimes needs a teacher’s assistance for toileting, turning on the faucets, drinking fountains, and opening the doors. However, some self helps skills that I believe he is able to manage is dressing up and taking responsibility for clothing and personal belongings. As Ricardo seeks interactions with teachers and adult workers during indoor and outdoor time, he is actively developing relationships with adults (SED 3). Overall, Ricardo’s social and emotional development is moving in a positive direction. As Ricardo continues to develop his social and emotional development, it is likely the child will continue to build his developmental level of social and emotional development and respond to …show more content…
the demands of the classroom.
Physical Development
*Large Motor
Ricardo regularly engages in gross motor activities and currently building it. He is able to show increasing skills in large motor using his arms, legs, or body in various ways to manipulate objects while in positions such as sitting, moving on all fours or upright, using support (PD HLTH 3). Ricardo’s large motor activities involve from changing directions while running to climbing up the slide, and participating in a child-initiated chasing monster games that involved running around the yard and the sandbox while holding on a toy or material (PD HLTH 3, PD HLTH 4, PD HLTH 5). The child is currently building his coordination and balance (PD HLTH 2). Although his energy level seems relatively consistent throughout the morning hours (8:30am – 11:30am), the child seems to have increased levels of activity during outside play, the activity time immediately following outside play, and on days when a higher number of his typical friends are present in the classroom.
*Small Motor
Ricardo’s fine motor skills, including his ability to use his fingers in any reflexes to manipulate smaller objects, are currently building as he explores the materials or toys and the environment everyday. He is able to grab and hold markers, chalks, spoons, and toys with fingers (PD HLTH 4). Also, he is able to use his fingers to turn the pages of books (LLD 5).
Ricardo’s activity selections indicate that he is comfortable with messy projects, water and sand play, and other sensory experiences that are provide in the classroom, which can be described as those involving water, sand, and other materials that require hand washing after contact. The child seems to be sensitive to texture and touch. He generally selects activities that permit contact with play dough, bubbles in water, slime, foam, and other stimulating materials (ATL REG 3, SED 4).
*Health Hygiene Ricardo is currently responds to and initiates personal care routines, dressing routines, a healthy lifestyle, and personal safety (PD HLTH 5, PD HLTH 6, PD HLTH 7, PD HLTH 8). This level of development is obvious in his need for supervision during hand washing, following basic safety practices when inside and outside the classroom, and his willingness to demonstrates knowledge of safety.
Language Development
In terms of language and literacy development, Ricardo is currently exploring and responding to languages with uses of a variety of single or two words together to communicate ( LLD 2, LLD 3). He is also engaging in brief back and forth communication with a familiar adult or a classmate, using word approximations, vocalizations, gestures, or facial expression during indoor and outdoor play with classmates (LLD 4). Ricardo is currently exploring in the areas of understanding of language (receptive), responsiveness to language, and communication and use of language (expressive) (LLD 1, LLD 2, and LLD 3). The most relevant examples of these behaviors include his use of short conversations with adults and peers that include a single or two words of information (LLD4), and his ability to identify his pictures and among his peers’ picture (SED 3). Using appropriate voice and volume, the child is able to use a single word or two words, makes sounds, gestures or facial expressions to communicate as a means of verbalizing needs and answer basic questions when he is communicating or responds to peers and adults. Based on limited language samples, the length of his sentences ranges from two to four words. However, it should be noted that none of these language samples were collected while the child related current interactions to past experiences.
Cognitive Development
Ricardo’s placement at Maple room exposes him to activities, interactions with adults/peers, and environmental stimuli that allow for cognitive growth in all domains.
He is currently exploring his understanding the cognitive domains of spatial relationships, cause and effect, classification, and number sense of quantity (COG 1, COG 3, COG 4, COG 5). Although some domains of cognitive are still developing, it is likely additional time spent in the environment will allow for the exposure and practice necessary to advance these all the levels (COG1, COG 2, COG 3, COG 4, and COG 5). In relation to his capabilities, he is able to act on his environment as a means of understanding cause and effect, classification, and demonstrating awareness of quantity when completing activities in the classroom (COG 3, COG 4, and COG 5). Additionally, the child is able to identify his own picture and his peers (SED 1), and use writing materials to make scribbles on paper and chalkboard. Mathematical development is also being responded and explored throughout the time spent in the environment. The length of time he spends at such activities varies based on many factors, including what other children are participating, how many activities are being offered, and what kind of materials or toys he is interested
Individual Notes
No special circumstances are known. Although the child experiences no difficulty when accepting direction and redirection when he is a part of a group of children that is engaging in problematic behaviors, he responds well when there is a one-on-one interaction between teacher and child. In terms of the daily routine, he adjusts to change and handle transitions of the day very well, especially when there is a teacher present to offer necessary support and guidance. Overall, Ricardo will continue to build learning opportunities and make strides in all developmental domains.
• Ask the child questions related to the activity to enhance his understanding of language
• Offer multiple opportunities to practice gross/fine motor skills both indoor and outdoor
• Implement materials or toys that children are interested in
• Support the child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development by creating a classroom environment that is engaging.
• Acknowledge and discuss about feelings and behavior
• Initiate conversations about personal care routines and personal safety
• Initiate conversations and communicate with the child to build his language