Whether a country is rich or poor can be determined by five primary factors: Social, Political, Natural Aspects, Technological and Economical. The wealth of a country can also be assessed by the average GDP of a country. Rich Countries like U.S.A. have a GDP of $46,716. While Poor Countries like Malawi have only $200.
Research statistics show that rich countries around the world have a “Democratic” system of government, meaning that the leader/ high power of the country are elected by the country’s population, whereas poor countries are mostly under dictatorship or autocratic leadership. A country’s wealth is affected by politics mainly by its leader, For example, Obama of the U.S.A. works around the clock to keep his country rich.
The social of U.S.A. is mainly divided into three classes: Low, Middle and High. While most people in Zimbabwe are unemployed and enforce children labor. Poverty in Zimbabwe is extremely high due to the lack of education and fixed income. Zimbabwe is a very poor country so the amount of taxes levered by the government are very, very low therefore unable to sustain public education resulting in an illiterate and unskilled generation only fit for cheap labor. The amount of Taxes in U.S.A. are very high because of the high income GDP of the average household so education is sufficient and the future generation has skills and knowledge to offer to employers.
What is most affects a country’s wealth is its economy. U.S.A. has a wide variety of natural resources that it exports to other countries for money and its economy is the largest and wealthiest in the world, meaning that it provides jobs for the population largely. Zimbabwe has a very small economy and one of its very few natural resources and exports are tobacco leaves.
The technology of a country affects a country mostly by replacing manual labor jobs by machines. In U.S.A. most obsolete