In the book Dawkins disputes Lorenz in their use of evolution by natural selection (Dugan, 2004) . Dawkins focus on genetics and takes a reductionistic view on things. Dawkins states that it's the good of the gene instead of the good of the group in evolution. He states that natural selection acts on the individual's genes instead of the affecting ht group as a whole (Dawkins,1989). All genes build survival or individual …show more content…
Dawkins brings up the idea that a gene, theroretivaly, can influence behavior in addition to some physical biological functions (Dawkins,1989). Genes can not only just have multiple effects they can work together in an individual. In the book Dawkins uses a ‘rowing team’ to describe his point. Gene complexes or whole genomes may be responsible for certain patterns in behavior, whereas other genes code only certain components of the behaviour (Dawkins,1989). In Dawkins view there is only one slight issue with his reasoning on this matter. There has never been much research on this topic so this statement can only be described as a theoretical argument. This however does not mean that genes don't have behavioral effects. Genes environments must also be taken into account when studying this