April 11, 2013
Mr. ------
Two Thousand years ago, the most unpredictable thing that could have ever happened to mankind occurred. Christ was born. As Christians, we hear the story of Christ dying for our sins, and it almost just passes over our heads as if it was completely normal. We fail to see the immensity of what God did for us. At the time of creation, God had made something so incredible, that even He, who is more glorious than anything imaginable, called His creation good. We were made in his image to fulfill our duty to him, which was to bring him glory, and to serve him. Then man screwed up. We fell into sin, and tried to hide it, which separated us from God, and caused everything that he made for us to become corrupted. Mankind was no longer able to live the way that God made us to out of our own power, so God out of his infinite love, gave us a way out. He gave us simple guidelines to follow, and even provided a way for us to redeem ourselves if we messed up again. Through a blood sacrifice, our sin was paid for. For the wages of sin is death. This method of sacrifice though was unable to be spread throughout all of his creation, and it could not undo what man had done. Because of our inability to do what we were made to do, God allowed his beloved son to take on flesh and come to the shattered remains of what he created, to die because he loved us who hated him. Christ came of His own free will, and while understanding what would happen to him, he was tortured to death, taking all of our filth onto himself, and having his own Father turn away from him. Through this, Christ fulfilled the Law that we were unable to fulfill ourselves, and he gave us the gift of God which is eternal life. Now through Christ, we can be seen as righteous before the Almighty God. This is another thing that Christians look over. After all the horrible things we as sinners have done, the most glorious being to ever exist sees us as good. This