We know that in the past, divorce was very hard to get as it was only legal for the men to file a divorce. Also it was socially unacceptable, however during the years government has been passing laws in order to make divorce easier and cheaper. We know that in 1969, the Divorce Reform Act was introduced which made it much easier to get a divorce. Also due to the law that was passed out in 1984 which allowed couples to only stay in a marriage for one year before filing a divorce as we know that before the couples had to wait at least three years. Statistics have shown that due to these legal changes more women are filing divorces as 7/10 women have filed a divorce compared to men. Although, people are given more freedom to file a divorce, it doesn’t actually show why these changes have occurred.…
Senior care is a specialized service that provides a combination of medical assistance, compassionate care and companionship. Whether it’s adult day care, long term care, or assistance on demand, Bessie V. Rose Senior Care is there to make life that much easier for the entire family.…
Since the 1960’s divorce rate began to increase dramatically but the biggest rise in divorce rate was in 1972 when it doubled and was 120,000. The divorce rate continued to rise and in 1993 reached its peak at 180,000. There has been explanations for the rise in divorce which are: secularisation, changes in law, divorce had become cheaper and also changing attitudes in society especially with women as they had begun to receive more rights. By the times divorce had become a lot more socially acceptable.…
Women are more likely than men to want a divorce, and more women are divorced than men. That is because men are more likely to remarry than women and do so at a faster rate. There has been a moderate drop in couples that have been “very happy” in their marriage in recent decades. People are more content than happy in their relationships. Since the 1970’s when the No Fault Divorce Law was put into place, there was a large spike in divorce rates because people could divorce for no reason at all, and many divorced because they were not satisfied or happy in marriage. Geographic location is a factor in divorce. For instance, the East has a far lower divorce rate than the South or West. That can be attributed for the cultural differences between the geographic areas. Popenoe and Whitehead stated there are six factors that can help lower a person’s chance at divorce, “ So if you are a reasonably well-educated person with a decent income, come from an intact family and are religious, and marry after age twenty-five without having a baby first, your chances of divorce are very low indeed,” (25). Divorce has become a common part of today’s society.…
Identify and explain two reasons for the increase in divorce over the last 30 years(17).…
In the article “Divorce in Rate America” the Author gives the rates of first, second and third time divorcees. The author states that the frequently reported divorce rate of 50% is incorrect. Although it is close, unfortunately the rate is higher than what is actually reported. In this article the author notes a projected trend that “40 or possibly even 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce if the current trend continues” (The Daily Seven- Divorce Rate in America - 2010). I do not agree with the authors reasoning as to why divorces occur. I’m not one that believes divorce fixes problems. I believe it only temporarily rids problems that surface in the future. Many believe individuals lack the commitments, responsibilities, morals, ethics and values that are needed to maintain a healthy relationship but I believe counseling and encouragement from one another can correct this problem.…
Firstly the most obvious reason for the upward trend in divorce is the changes in law . Law has become more lenient on this subject because in the 19th century women had to have extreme reasons to obtain a divorce and were under several observations before they were even allowed to petition and prior to 1857 could only be taken by the act of parliament .The grounds for divorce was low however as times changed as did matrimonial acts and in 1979 the government expanded the grounds of divorce by allowing the “irretrievable breakdown” a reason for divorce which then doubled the rate of divorce . Another legislation that increased the divorce rate is the equalising grounds act which was implemented in 1923 . This gave women an equal chance to petition for divorce and as soon as this legislation came to place women’s petitions boomed excessively .Also In 1985 the matrimonial and family proceedings act allowed couples to get a divorced minimum one year into there marriage rather than three therefore giving couples more leeway and allowing them to give up quicker . Cost of divorce is another factor that the government controlled to earn revenue and stop people from getting divorces however in 1949 government lowered cost of divorce and introduced the legal aid and advice act which then gave people who could not afford divorce accessible to divorce…
Hey Joani, I really enjoyed reading your post. I will have to agree with you that one of the reasons divorce is more common is because of the expectation of the spouse to meet the partner's emotional needs. When those emotional needs are not met this can leave the husband or wife feeling unhappy and frustrated. According to Henslin, this is called, “an overloaded institution” (2014, p. 358). “Because these expectations place a heavy burden on marriage, often more than it can manage, sociologists refer to today’s marriage and family as an overloaded institution” (Henslin, 2014, p. 358).…
Why do people divorce? Because it is easy to divorce and sometimes it makes people wonder the need of marrying if divorcing is that easy. According Rauch, marriages can be strengthened if divorces are hard to get. This is true for one reason and also a false theory for another reason. Many people would be working to make the marriage successful knowing that it is a lifetime commitment which will have a no escape route.…
3. What are two of the reasons sociologists have given for the rise in the divorce rate? Answer: Two of the reasons sociologists have given for the rise in the divorce rate are that some are just dissatisfied with the marriage, or spousal abuse.…
In our society, people want only what is good for themselves, even if it is not the best for someone else. The importance of me has overtook the place of importance of family and they have changed their attitude towards marriage as it is very easy to fill out the papers for divorce and get a divorce. This explains the higher rates of divorces but with these the most common causes are communication breakdown between the couples, money, sexual incompatibility, different leisure time activities, financial collapse, wrong expectations, sexual unfaithfulness, drug abusement, poor…
Second, lower rate divorce is also caused because couples were taught that marriage is an…
Why is the divorce rate increasing in the United States more than other countries? In addition, why has the divorce rate have increased among Americans in recent years? In the United States, as the divorce rate increases, the married number of people is showing a decrease. This might end with living in an open society such as the United States increase the divorce rate among the population. In an open society such as United States, there is a remarkable amount of freedom given to its citizens. Also, when these people see the freedom they used to have before their marriage started to diminish, they start thinking about divorce and going back to their lives of freedom.…
Some things that might cause a married couple to divorce, like infidelity, finances, abuse, incompatibility, and unwillingness to compromise are some of the more common. These are troubles or personal problems people have as individuals that are actually public issues.…
Why has divorce rates increased in the America culture? Barbara Dafoe Whitehead states that, “Americans begin to change their ideas about the individual’s obligations to family and society. Broadly described, this change was away from an ethic of obligations to others…