ASSIGNMENT Submission (Sem 1 – 2013-14)
Lastname : Mark
Firstname: Bash
Student Number: 1124409
Declaration :
I declare that this submission is my own work and has not been copied from someone else or commissioned to another to complete. Any materials used in this work (whether from published sources, the Internet or elsewhere) have been fully acknowledged and referenced and are without fabrication or falsification of data.
I have adhered to relevant ethical guidelines and procedures in the completion of this assignment. I have not allowed another student to have access to or copy from this work. The work has not been submitted previously.
By this declaration and by submitting this work, I confirm my understanding that –
The University may submit this work to the national plagiarism detection facility. This searches the Internet and an extensive database of reference material, including other students work and available essay sites., to identify any duplication with the work you have submitted. Once your work has been submitted to the detection service it will be stored electronically in a database and compared against work submitted from this and other universities. The material will be stored in this manner indefinitely.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Risks to the Organisation and its IS/IT
3.0 Evaluation of risks
4.0 Countermeasures
5.0 Recommendation of measures to be taken to protect the business and priorities
6.0 References
The company Trendmaster Limited is has been trading for 2 years from a converted barn, the business plan is to expand and move to a bigger premises that is 2 stories and significantly bigger. The new building is based near to a busy ring road in a large town, because of the business growing 4 additional staff have been hired in an attempt to continue with the
References: Doz, Y. (2001) From Global to Metanational: How companies win in the knowledge economy. Harvard Business Press Lewis, R. (2012) Business Income Insurance Disputes. Aspen Publishers Online Macdonald, L. (2008) How to Manage Problem Staff Successfully. Aspen Publishers Online Staightforward co Ltd Mana. (2012) Preventing Accidents Super Series. Routledge Shoniregun, C. (2006) Impacts and Risk Assessments of Technology for Internet Security. Springer Steinberg, T. (2006) Acts of God: The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America. Oxford University Press Waterman, I. (2013) Disabled access to facilities. Routledge