Healthy life expectancy in Scotland – 60 years for men and 62 for women – falls far short of actual life expectancy, 76 and 80 years respectively (Scottish Government, 2011a). With a predicted 26% rise in the number of pensionable-aged Scots by 2035 (Scottish Government, 2011b), this increase in chronic disease has led to a focus on the health risks associated with our behaviour (Dixon and Johnston, 2010).
Risk Factor: Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol has an irritant effect, contributing to arteriosclerosis, ultimately increasing the risk of hypertension, heart disease and stroke (Harrington-Dobinson and Blows, 2007a). It irritates the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs, predisposing to chronic inflammation, malnutrition (possibly leading to Wernicke’s encephalopathy and, if untreated, Korsakoff’s psychosis (Rassool, 2009)) and tumour development; the liver, due to its central metabolic role, is particularly susceptible to damage, cirrhosis, failure and cancer (Harrington-Dobinson and Blows, 2007a).
Alcohol’s seemingly paradoxical stimulant and depressive effects, depending on amounts consumed (Harrington-Dobinson and Blows, 2006), are a significant factor in the complex cycle of co-morbidity between mental ill-health and alcohol misuse (Rassool, 2009).
The numerous acute health risks (Harrington-Dobinson and Blows, 2007a) and social harms (NHS ISD, 2011) will not be discussed here.
Health Promotion: Towards Reduced Alcohol Consumption
The medical approach to health promotion (Scriven, 2010) involves preventing or treating alcohol-related harm through healthcare interventions, using a ‘stepped care’ method (Scottish Government, 2011c). NICE (2010 and 2011) outlines this process. Primary prevention includes screening tools – for example, the Fast Alcohol Screening Test (FAST) in primary care (SIGN, 2003) or the Paddington Alcohol Test (PAT) in emergency departments (NHS QIS, 2008) – and brief
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