You are a member of the X University student body entertainment committee. Your committee has agreed to sponsor a spring concert. The motive behind this concert is to offer a safe alternative to Alta Vista Baby (AVB) Week‐end, a spring event in which students for X University rent houseboats to engage in heavy partying. Traditionally this occurs during thelast weekend in May. Unfortunately, the partying has a long history of getting out of hand, sometimes leading to fatal accidents. After one such tragedy last spring, your committee wants to offer an alternative experience for those who are eager to celebrate the change in weather and the pending end of the school year. You have just finished a preliminary scope statement for the project (see below). You are now brainstorming potential risks associated with the project.
1. Identify potential risks associated with this project. Try to come up with at least five different risks. 2. Perform a risk assessment to analyze identified risks.
3. Develop a risk response matrix to outline how you would deal with each of the risks.
To organize and deliver an eight‐hour concert at Wahoo Stadium at a cost not to exceed $50,000 on the last Saturday in May.
• Local advertising.
• Eight hours of music and entertainment. • Secure all licenses and approvals.
• Concert security. • Food venues.
• Secure sponsors.
• Separate Beer Garden.
• Souvenir concert t‐shirts.
1. Secure all permissions and approvals by January 15. 2. Sign big‐name artist by February 15.
3. Complete artist roster by April 1.
4. Secure vendor contracts by April 15.
5. Setup completed on May 27. 6. Concert on May 28.
7. Cleanup completed by May 31.
1. Professional sound stage and system. 3. At least seven performing acts. 5.Parking available for 1,000 cars.
1. Performers responsible for travel arrangements to and from X University 2.