The following report will aim to identify and categorise risks to easyJet as a company. By identifying risks to the company we are able to see what risks the company have and potentially how to avoid or deal with them. Then by classifying them in groups it may be possible to tackle a few risks with one solution.
After listing the risks and putting them in a risk matrix, the report will then aim to explain how the risk will affect easyJet and justify the position of it in the risk map.
The way the report has classified the risk is whether the risk is a generic risk that will affect the whole industry of whether the risk is specific to the company.
There will then be a conclusion to summarise the risks and the probability and likelihood of them happening.
Ways to categorise and analyse Risk.
The way in which many people perceive risk is very much a bad one. People often think of taking risks as only having a bad outcome, this is untrue however, many risks have a positive outcome. When talking about a specific scenario where a good or bad thing could happen we call this a ‘two way risk.’
There are many risks that we undertake for a positive gain in day-to-day life. We call a positive risk and opportunity. One of the most common things that have great risk but people don’t think twice about doing everyday is crossing the road. There is always a risk or being hit by a car, whether a car goes through a red light, or whether you trip in the road. Another very common activity that has a lot of risks is making a cup of tea.
There are many ways in which we can classify/categorise risks. Classifying or categorising risks includes ‘grouping similar risks together.’ (S. Condon, 2010.) The first of many categories being Business risk and Non-Business risk. Under Non-Business risks there are two ways in which we can further categorise risks, financial risks and Event risks. Later in the report, an assessment will be made of some of the financial