Outcome 1- Understand centred approaches for care and support.
T/C 1.1 + DIP 1 person centred values means the people who we have supported are able to be involved and are included in every way aspect of their care and support an example may be their needs, assessments, care and delivery + support planning.
T/C 1.2 + DIP 2 Its important to work in a way that embeds person centred values because care practices should always put the people who we support at the centre of day to day activities as well as including the individuals and their families in the planning and maintaining o this. You are not there just to meet there physical needs but to maintain their sense of being a person and their identity. You should always listen to the service user, despite any difficulties understand their needs, wishes and preferences.
DIP 3 Taking risks means you are able to choose and be in control of what you do. You need to ensure that a concern about risk taking is not stopping you living the way you want to. A risk assessment can always be carried out to see if it is possible for someone to do something that that they thought would not be acceptable.
DIP 4 individuals care plans do contribute to working in a person centred way as in their care plan it will state all of the following in a person centred way:
Individuals view regarding their needs and circumstances.
Priorities and needs the person considers being the most important.
Individuals strengths, interests likes and dislikes.
The way the individual prefers to have their needs met.
People who are important to and contribute to the persons life and provide their support network.
Outcome 2 – Understand how to implement a person centred approach in adult social care settings.
T/C 2.1 + DIP 1 You can find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual is by talking to them, how they would like to live, how they like to be