1.1 Describe what is meant by a person centred approach.
This means delivering the individual care, needs, wishes and preferences for the person with dementia offering them the real choices and with respect and support. By doing this you are helping them live a safe and happy life and helping to minimize all risks. You should try to match the right key worker for that individual and this can help to create a relaxed atmosphere for the user as they will learn to trust them. You must always show empathy with the user and this will show you understand how they are feeling regarding their situation and that you are there to help them with whatever support or help they need. By using a person centred approach this is making sure the user is treated as an individual and not treat the same as anybody else as each person’s needs are completely different this means they keep their dignity and self respect which each person is entitled to. Rapport with the user is very important as it shows you understand and want to help the user as much as is possible and try to build up their self esteem, what their social needs are, and their safety and physiological needs.
1.2 Describe how a person centred approach enables individuals with dementia to be involved in their own care and support.
A person centred approach enables the user with dementia to be involved in the care and support of their own life and make decisions about their needs, wishes, preferences and values that they would like. It enables the individuals to choose the care and support package that they wish to recieve and puts them at the centre of the care plan they require. This means they can have the choice about what they wear, what they eat, what they want to do and if they don’t quite know what they want you can inform them of the choices and they can give you yes or no answer or ask questions on the subject . You