Learner Name:
1. Understand person-centred approaches in adult social care.
Describe person-centred approaches
Person-centred is about providing care and support that is centred or focused on the individual and their needs. We are all individual and just because two people might have the same medical condition, for example, Dementia, it doesn’t mean that they require the same care and support.
Explain why person-centred values must influence all aspects of social care work.
Person-centred care values must influence all aspects of health and social care work. Health and social care should be based on person-centred values, and should be individualised …show more content…
as this is a law requirement. If person-centre values that underpin all work in the health and social care sector are followed as they should be then all individuals should feel that and health and social workers ensure that:
• the individual is supported in accessing their rights
• the individual is treated has an individual
• the individual is supported to exercise choice
• ensure the individual have privacy if they want it
• support the individual to be as independent as possible
• treat all individuals with dignity and respect
To ensure the above is followed will influence all aspect of health and social care it is important to ensure that all individuals are treated as such and person- centred care should ensure this.
Explain how person-centred values should influence all aspects of social care work.
To treat an individual as you would like to be treated. To provide the best quality of life for the individual and the best care possible. It gives the individual some control of their own life.
2. Understand how to implement a person-centred approach in an adult social care setting.
Explain how finding out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual contributes to their care plan.
To treat an individual as you would like to be treated. To provide the best quality of life for the individual and the best care possible. It gives the individual some control of their own life.
Describe ways to put person-centred values into practice in a complex or sensitive situation.
This is about seeing situations from the individual's point of view, listening to them and helping them to deal with them in the way that they want. For example a doctor wants to explain a complex course of treatment to an individual. Without person centred values the doctor and you would do it in the way that you thought best for the individual. With person centred values you make sure that he provides the time the individual wants and needs to take it in and ask any questions they have, that the information is provided in the form that the individual wants i.e. verbal, written, to them only so that they can inform others, to you/others so that you/they can be involved, that the individual has the opportunity to disagree with anything they hear etc.
Evaluate the use of care plans in applying person-centred values.
Care Plans are the primary source of service user’s information. Every specialty, PT/OT/Nursing etc. do an evaluation of the individual and formulate a program of goals for the patient to attain, therapies needed, schedule of goal levels, etc. Each person interacting with the patient can refer to the care plan for any information needed. Done properly, the care plan reflects a total person and how to best help them fulfil the goals
Explain the importance of monitoring an individual’s changing needs or preferences.
This includes observing the condition of individuals over time, completing records and reports on changes observed and adjusting monitoring and reporting processes to take account of changes.
3. Understand the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support.
Describe 4 factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent Please illustrate your answer with real examples from your work
1 They are unconscious, do not understand what they are being asked to consent to eg have not been given information or are unable to process the information, their ability fluctuates so the worker should try later etc.
2 Listen to individuals, provide information, keep them safe, make sure the temperature, light is suitable....that sort of thing.
3 Individuals have the right to take risks and must take responsibility for their choices. They also have a duty not to allow their choices to endanger others. Workers have a duty to keep individuals safe but must respect their choices. A risk assessment identifies the dangers and the safest way to manage a risk so that the individual can make an informed choice.
4 Carry out a risk assessment so that the individual can make an informed choice.
Explain how to establish consent for an activity or action
You do this by developing respectful relationships, using non-judgemental communication, providing relevant information, respecting individual’s choices, providing any additional support needed
A risk assessment can identify positive and negative risks for individuals to make informed choices egg health and lifestyle choices, decisions about treatment or care, awareness of actual or likely danger or harm arising from choices made egg increased vulnerability, impact on treatment or recovery
Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established
I would discuss the problem, that consent cannot be established, with the supervisor or manager of the home, and, if necessary, the individual’s doctor and advocate. I would also make a record of this, which I would sign and date
4. Understand how to implement and promote active participation.
Explain the principles of active participation
Active participation benefits the individual because that person is always made to feel that he or she is continually important, and that things are done for their benefit, with their consent. This ensures a positive approach for the individual that makes them an active part of how they choose to live and puts them first as the focus.
Explain how the holistic needs of an individual can be addressed by active participation.
Active participation helps the individual to feel involved, make choices and feel empowered. This can support the holistic needs of an individual, as a whole, with their intellectual, emotional and social requirements. For example. supporting an individual to make decisions/choices will help with their intellectual needs, helping the individual to decide on an activity they will enjoy or be satisfied by will help with their emotional needs, and deciding who will assist in the task or be present will support their social requirements.
Explain how to work with an individual and others to agree how active participation will be implemented. Provide information, arrange meetings, support the individual to express their needs and wants, encourage others to listen to them
Explain how to promote the understanding and use of active participation.
Use you policies to explain, model positive behaviour, remind others of individuals rights, challenge poor practice
5. Understand how to support an individual’s right to make choices.
Describe different approaches to support an individual to make informed choices.
To present information to the individual in a way that they can understand and to communicate effectively with the individual. Also to be patient and to listen carefully to the individual as it may take them time to answer
Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others.
That depends on the mental capacity of the individual you want to support. First, you must obtain their permission and then you must get them to express as exactly as possible what help they reckon they need. Then you can offer further information, suggestions, and a plan to challenge such decisions. You could offer to be their spokesperson if they weren't confident enough to speak out, or to accompany them to any hearing or appointment.
However, if the person is mentally impaired, you would have to get their signed permission to speak and act on their behalf before any health or social care workers would listen to you. Because of issues of confidentiality, you either have to be next of kin, or obtain powers of attorney or guardianship.
Explain the consequences of allowing the personal views of others to influence an individual’s choices.
The individual might not get their preferred care, they might feel cheated, depressed and side-lined, it might affect their confidence and self-esteem, they might withdraw from making future choices
6. Understand how to promote individual’s well-being.
Think of an individual with whom you work.
Explain how they see themselves and how they define themselves.
Now explain how their identity and self-image link to their self-esteem.
We aver a young man tat as down syndrome but I don’t think that he fully understands his condition. He is a very active person and likes to go out all the time but when he doesn’t get is own way he will have a tantrum which is due to his condition and how people have treated him over the years. He has a one to one carer seven days a week for seven hours a day which is important to him so that he can do whatever activates he wants to, if he doesn’t have this he feels list and doesn’t know what to do with himself which can lead to his self-esteem being low. He likes to look smart everyday being clean shaven.
Explain how the following factors contribute to the wellbeing of individuals. E.g. how do they effect the wellbeing of an individual in both a negative and positive way.
Analyse how this factor contributes to the wellbeing of individuals you are working with
It depends if the service as any spiritualinterests or not but going ti church regularly may be want they nwant to do
The service user needs emotional support when they are feeling low or unwell
If the service user is from a different culture they will need support to continue in their wishes and beliefs of the culture they are from
It is important for the service user to have social support so that they can interact with other and develop their social skills
If the person wants to vote they would need to support them to do that
Explain the importance of supporting an individual in a way that promotes their sense of identity, self image and self esteem.
The first thing is that the person is an individual in their own right - you need to understand what they are about and not judge, pick the bright nuggets of information and use this as a a springboard to encourage self esteem and their self image. As they talk about themselves you will be able to get a sense of self and where they are in their image. You need to feedback to them what was said as positive rather than the negative - if they say Ii am always failing" reply with " really, you at least have the guts to try something out of your comfort zone - not everyone can do it" the negatives must be turned to positives but it takes time and consistency - and as their self worth and esteem improves - you will find they will need less and less re-enforcing
Describe ways to contribute to an environment that promotes well-being.
Individuals have the right to take risks and must take responsibility for their choices. They also have a duty not to allow their choices to endanger others. Workers have a duty to keep individuals safe but must respect their choices. A risk assessment identifies the dangers and the safest way to manage a risk so that the individual can make an informed choice.
7. Understand the role of risk assessment in enabling a person-centred approach.
Compare 2 different uses of risk assessment in health and social care
A risk assessment for moving and handling this is so that the correct equipment is used if needed and the correct amount of staff are present for any interventions with regars to moving and handling. This is also to keep the service user and others safe from harm or injury and that a record of this kept in their care plan so it can be seen by new staff if needed and also to be updated if need be
A risk assessment for self medicating is important because we habe to establish if the service user as xcapacity to do this and are they liable to take an overdose or forget to take their medication.
Also so that their medication is in a locked drawer or safe.
Explain how risk assessments relate to rights and responsibilities.
We all need to take risks in order to have a fulfilled life. Individuals have the right to be as independent as possible and sometimes this means taking risks.
For example they might want to be able to take a bath with as little support as possible and this is their right. A risk assessment will provide a plan for the safest way for them to do this.
Responsibilities lay with the service provider, the worker and the individual. The service provider has a duty of care to ensure the safety of the individual and employees, the worker has the duty to follow policies, procedures and care plans and not to put the individual at risk and the individual has the duty not to put others at risk.
Explain how risk taking relates to rights and responsibilities
We all need to take some risks in order to have as full a life as possible. Individuals have the right to choose the risks they want to take but have the responsibility not to put others in danger. You have the responsibility to support their choices and keep them as safe as
Explain why risk assessments need to be regularly revised. person centred approach focuses on people's rights to make their own choices and decisions even if this means taking risks. A risk assessment enables you to respect their choices and find the safest way to help them manage those risks
Because situations and circumstances can change.
Explain the importance of using agreed risk assessment processes to support choice.
Providing choice is your duty and the individual's right. Risk assessments provide support for individual's to manage choices in the safest way possible.
I confirm that the evidence listed is my own work and was carried out under the conditions and context specified in the standards.
Learner Signature:
Assessor Signature: