The role of effective communication and interpersonal interactions is paramount when communicating with someone as using different forms of communication can benefit individuals in many different ways such as if someone is deaf or cannot talk then someone communicating with them or for the person to communicate back they would have to use signs and symbols e.g. British sign language which is a specific sign language that is used in Britain, the use of makaton, which is a simplified version of the
British sign language that is used for children or those with disabilities or the use of signs, symbols, pictures, writing and finger spelling which gives a person that is unable …show more content…
The team of carers may have had stage 2 of Tuckman’s theory which is storming, this mean that they may have had power struggles between the group and then they begin to develop norms, beliefs and values which then means they begin to work together effectively, then stage 3 performing takes place this is when the team begin to feel comfortable and begin to communicate effectively to provide good quality care. The managers knowledge of Tuckman’s theory can encourage him/her that the team will eventually become ‘one’ as a such and work really well as a team to produce care to the best of their ability. The Samaritans is a helpline you can ring when you 're feeling low and the workers offer emotional support. They receive around 5 million calls a year and every 52 seconds they hear from someone that is feeling suicidal. The samaritans have offered support to millions of people all over the world and have really made a difference in people’s lives, Kevin a man …show more content…
All the information the Samaritans receive is safeguarded, it is completely confidential even if they believe that there is a risk to the individual or even someone around them, this encourages people to contact them and trust them because they know that nobody will find out that they have wished to receive support. Argyle’s theory is most relevant to the text messaging process when clients contact the
Samaritans through text message as argyles theory is linked to a onetoone context and involves the client thinking of ideas of what to write to the Samaritans, coding the message, sending the message and then the Samaritans received the message, they then have to decode the message and understand it. The most important part to Argyle’s theory is decoding the message, this is because when messages are sent when face to face contact cannot be made the message can be interpreted in the wrong way this is mainly because they cannot see the interpersonal interactions such as facial expression and body language. I have researched about the Samaritans and I cannot find a situation where their communication