Sam :
Nowadays, the newspaper seems to be full of articles about River Pollution. Aren’t there better things to report about?
Cullen : No, you are wrong Sam. Rivers are very important as sources of drinking water and aswaterways. Rivers have economic and aesthetic roles. So, that’s why we need to care the rivers as much as we can.
Callahan : Why does river pollution occur rampantly in our country? Does this happen because of irresponsible human activities such as throwing garbage everywhere or humans feel that they have adequate water supplies so they don’t need to keep the river in our country?
Sarah : The main causes of river pollution are the dumping of animal, human and toxic wastes.Besides, human are always take for granted about the rivers because they think therivers have no function to them. You can see there are many other factors of the riverpollution. So everyone should know the causes of river pollution, which then will help usto overcome river pollution.
Sam : Who are the culprits then?
Cullen : We are all responsible. Look at some people who are dumping rubbish indiscriminatelyinto the rivers which will turning them into river of waste. Even some factories dumptheir effluents and toxic substances into rivers which is so bad for the river.
Sarah :Can’t we do anything to protect our rivers? Callahan : Oh yes we can. We can help to increase public awareness about the roles of rivers.When people know how important rivers are, they will stop dumping rubbish. We can also participate in campaigns such as “Love Your River” campaign. Besides, we canorganize ‘gotong royong’ projects in our communities and clean up parts of river. Sarah : What will happen to a river when nothing is done to clean the polluted river?
Cullen : If we left the river to waste, the river would ultimately die. As you can see, a dead riverwill become cloudy and smelly. This is because the river has no oxygen. A dead rivercannot support aquatic life.