Literature Review: Road Traffic Accidents
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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION TO ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 4 Safety 4 Safety of Roads 4 Safety condition of Vehicles 5 Road Traffic Accidents 5 Major Causes of Road Traffic Accidents 7 Improper maintenance of vehicle 8 Red Light Running 9 Use of Mobile Phones while driving 10 Drunk driving 11 Avoiding Seat Belt or Helmets 11 Youth races and careless driving 11 Improper road structure 12 Effects of Traffic Accidents 13 Social Impacts of Road Traffic Accidents 13 Economic Impacts of Road Traffic Accidents 14 Ways for controlling the traffic accidents 14 INTRODDUCTION INTO THE CEASES OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN JEDDAH CITY 18 History of the problem in Saudi Arabia 18 The Roads and Public Transport in Saudi Arabia 19 The causes of the Road Traffic Accidents in Saudi Arabia 19 The effects of the Road Traffic Accidents in Saudi Arabia 20 Jeddah City 22 Population 22 Economy 22 Society 22 Road &Traffic Laws in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah) 23 THE USED METHDOLGIES AND ANALYSIS OF DATA 23 The different used methodologies for gathering the data 23 Analysis of international data 24 Analysis Middle East data 27 Analysis Saudi Arabia and Jeddah data 28 CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION 29 REFERENCES 31
Literature Review
According to Security Industry Association (SIA 160), safety is defined as;
“Adequate safety with respect to a hazard is ensured provided that the hazard is kept under control by appropriate measures or the risk is limited to an acceptable value. Absolute safety is not achievable.” (Schneider, 1997)
According to Wildavsky (1988), Safety is a protective measure to ensure the chances of unfortunate incidents are kept at minimum. As the above definition identifies, it is not possible to achieve an absolute safety level, however it can be assured that
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