In the case of the homicide, which I am discussing, the victim, Sara, got killed intentionally; however, the secondary victims of this heinous crime are the children and parents she left behind. While as, the tertiary victim is the Lebanese society in general and her immediate community, in particular, taking into consideration, that the entire Lebanese population is four million, occupying a small area of 10,400 Km2 (CIA, 2015).
It is imperative, as part of our CCR, to provide for the children safety and crisis intervention, emotional and financial support; plus, individual, legal, and child advocacy (Davis, Lurigio, & Herman, 2013). In addition to the stated above, we need to provide each of Sara’s six children with a tailor-made version of Robert’s model, depending on each child age, assessment, and needs. For the sake of simplicity, I will focus on one of the children as a model for the rest of …show more content…
We must examine the child’s emotions whether it is rage, guilt, fear, etc. and what is the source of these feelings. It is beneficial to prioritize the emotions and look for leverage to deal with the root cause of each emotion. During stage four and five, it is crucial to let the child to vent and explore their feelings; also, to assess the past coping mechanisms the child used. We need to be cautious during these two stages, as we explore the child trauma of witnessing the father abuse the mother, physically and repeatedly over many years. And from the coping mechanisms, we can deduce an action plan to work on stage six of Robert’s model. By this time, we should have established the extent of damage on the cognitive and emotional abilities of the child and we can determine whether they need professional psychiatric counseling to help getting rid of guilt feelings, and any remnants of domestic violence being a normalcy; and, contribute to get over seeing the mother getting shot 17 times and the plan of the father to kill him/her and the siblings next (MTV, 2015). It goes without saying that we agreed to stay away from the press and the non-immediate relatives. Furthermore, to go back to school, relocate from the house where the mother was killed, and meet on a regular basis a support