|of weathering breaks down rock material |such as sedimentary rocks from one area to |mechanically or chemically and stays in the|…
Sediments can form from pre existing rocks, they collect and undergo a process called lithification, then form layered rocks…
|rocks are under tons and tons of pressure, which makes heat build up, and this causes them to change. If you exam metamorphic rock |…
Extrusive rocks are also called volcanic rocks and extrusive rocks are formed on the earth’s surface. Extrusive rocks also form from magma, but a form of lava. Magma flows onto the earth’s surface by an eruption by a volcano. When the magma hits the earth’s surface, the magma turns into lava. Extrusive rocks are formed by lava, and the lava will harden quickly and crystallize quickly, either by hot spots or on the earth’s surface. Igneous rocks are considered felsic, intermediate, mafic, and ultramafic. Felsic rocks are high in silica, and usually light colored, and an extrusive rock, which is felsic, is rhyolite. Intermediate rocks are…
Metamorphic rock- rocks that form when sedimentary, igneous, or other metamorphic rocks are subjected to heat and pressure…
Another way that sediments form from igneous rock is when things like acid chemically break them down. This happens with limestone. Another way sediments are formed from igneous rock is through the process of dead plants coming together. Such is the case with coal.…
ACC 491 FINAL EXAM 1)If reported sales for 2010 erroneously include sales that occur in 2011, the assertion violated on the 2010 statements would be 2)The rights and obligations assertion applies to 3)Which of the following assertions is NOT made by management in placing an item in the financial statements 4)Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 uses the term material fact to limit the amount of information required. Under the Act, the standard used to determine an items materiality 5)Individuals or entities the auditor knew or should have known and would rely on the audit report in making business and investment decisions are 6)Section 18 liability is relatively narrow in scope because it relates to a false or misleading statement in documents filed with the 7)Within generally accepted auditing standards, general standards relate primarily to 8)Statements on auditing standards (SAS) are interpretations of what 9)Which of the following best describes the relationship that should exist between the external auditor and the management of the client company 10)Statement on Quality Control Standards No. 2 identifies certain quality control elements that should be considered when performing which types of services 11)Internal auditors are primarily involved with 12)The Government Accounting Office reports directly to the 13)With respect to audit objectives, the term validity relates to which of the assertions below 14)Which of the following procedures consists of seeking information from knowledgeable persons throughout or outside the entity 15)Specific audit objectives are normally 16)The assessment of inherent risk requires considering matters that have a pervasive effect on assertions for all or many accounts and matters that may pertain only to assertions for specific accounts. Which of the following is an example of a pervasive effects matter 17)The assessment of inherent risk requires considering matters that have a pervasive effect on assertions for…
The rock cycle is something that a lot of people know. There are a lot of different versions. Some are more complicated than others(OI). The rock cycle can take thousands of years to complete(OI)! Every rock can turn into another rock from every stage(Doc.1). Geology is not just studying boring rocks. There is a lot more to it. You can study rocks to find out how old the rock is or even how old the earth is. You could be the person to find out how long ago a dinosaur by what rock the bones were in. Or maybe you find a fossil of a new type of animal and the rocks can tell you when it lived. Rocks can be a whole lot more exciting than you ever thought.…
Sedimentary rocks are formed on or near the surface of the earth. They develop in layers called strata these are formed by compressed sediments or fragments and often form on lakebeds or under the sea. Successive layers of strata are separated by bedding planes. Sedimentary rocks are generally divided into 2 categories:…
Igneous and metamorphic rocks: igneous – rocks that have formed from the cooling of magma. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been altered.…
• Metamorphic- rocks that are formed by metamorphosing pre-existing rocks through heat and pressure. Metamorphic rocks can be made from any of the three types of rock.…
Most rock forming minerals are silicates because of the abundance of the two elements oxygen and silicon in the crust and mantle, which make up about 90% of the earth’s crust. Not all nonsilicate minerals groups make sense chemically, for instance a nonsilicate would be granite, which is made up of partly quartz, which is in fact a silicate. The non-silicate mineral groups collectively…
For example, the presence of sedimentary rocks all over the world indicates that there had been global water activity. In order for the sedimentary rocks to form, there must be erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments by moving water that contained the sediments. After the sediment has been deposited, it will slowly convert into stone. In addition, fossils have been discovered within the sedimentary rocks. Fossils could not have been preserved in the rocks unless the deposition process was expeditious. The mere existence of fossils in sedimentary rock is evidence that these rocks were formed by an aqueous catastrophism. There has been a question of whether the rocks were formed by multiple local catastrophes over several ages, or by a great number of local catastrophes in a single age. It is more likely to be in the single age because each stratum was laid down quickly, implying consistent water flow conditions. Such uniformity is not prolonged, meaning each layer was deposited in rapid succession otherwise there would be evidence of inconsistency. (Geology and the…
Granite has a granular texture. Granite forms from magma slowly crystalizing below the surface of the Earth. The magma then cools down before reaching the Earth’s surface and forms large crystals. Granite is an igneous…
3 types of rocks- igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Rock cycle is best described as the formation, breakdown, and reformation of rocks. what would effect each in the cycle.…