Sedimentary Rock Worksheet
Use the following table to describe and distinguish between the effects of weathering and erosion. Each response must be at least 200 words.
|Effects of Weathering |Effects of Erosion |What are the Differences? |
|Weathering breaks down and decomposes |Erosion removes materials from the surface |The difference between weathering and |
|rocks. There are chemical and mechanical |and changes it into something else. The |erosion is no movement is involved in |
|types of weathering. The mechanical version|hydraulic actions transport solid material |weathering. If an item is loosened |
|of weathering breaks down rock material |such as sedimentary rocks from one area to |mechanically or chemically and stays in the|
|into smaller pieces with no chemical |another area where it is then deposited. |same place in which it happens the process |
|composition of the weathered material. |Erosion degrades the land. When the land or|of weathering has occurred. If the |
|Chemical weathering breaks down rocks using|road is degraded it causes excessive damage|weathered item starts to move, for instance|
|a chemical agent. |over time. Erosion could cause cities, |the movement could be caused by wind, or in|
| |towns, and tax payers a lot of money. When |some cases water, this process is |
| |there are erosions the area that is |considered erosion. |
| |affected has to be rebuilt. | |
In the following space, explain the role of plate tectonics in the origin of sedimentary rock. Your explanation must be between 250 and 450 words.
Sedimentary rocks can be