Jenna Graves
January 18, 2013
Instructor: Dan Wubbena
Scholarships can do more than just provide money for someone; they can bring people from other countries into the United States. An example is Karl Henning, a U.K. citizen, who came to the United States on a soccer scholarship in 2000. Karl’s life revolved around soccer. From his earlier years he was involved in camps, competitive teams, and high school league. When he finally came to the United States, he attended St. Alban’s college on his scholarship. His future wife, Dawn Jacobs, also attended the same college. However, she was older and graduated before him allowing her to move to Fort Collins, Colorado. Dawn also had a passion for soccer and played on the Fort Collins Force women’s soccer team. Henning moved to Fort Collins to be with his wife after he graduated from St. Alban’s. Although soccer was still Karl’s passion, he had to give it up due to a job he had received at a meat packaging plant. Even though majority of his time was spent at his job, he still found time to incorporate soccer into his life. Henning taught soccer to younger children and eventually developed the Rocky Soccer Academy in 2006. This was probably the smartest investment Karl had made. The Academy was immediately popular and he had small camps being held in Fort Collins. The talk about the program was quickly spread. More and more people started investing their time into the Rocky Soccer Academy. A few of Henning’s friends from England came over to help him to assist in training the large amount of customers they had been receiving. A main reason why he became so successful so quickly is because youth soccer is extremely popular in Colorado. Things may be going outstanding for Henning, but he still has some goals and dreams he would like to conquer. One of them would be his facility. The place that he currently has is not enough space and not the proper training facility. His goal is to create a